1984. Jobson's Cove, Bermuda. First portrait shoot I ever did. Shot on film with a Minolta X700 - the first camera I ever purchased. Prior to this I had done mostly street photography and had never intentionally set out to do a portrait study. I remember being surprised that I liked what I created and immediately got over my hesitancy of photographing people who were aware I was watching. Of course the location and subject (Matthew Jealous, a free diver from Queensland, Australia) made it super easy. And yes, I was very young when I took these...
Sugar, my muse, contemplating the long journey back to the car after a hike in the Mission Valley - my new favorite place to see and to be with the light and the land.
Beautiful, mysterious swirls appeared in the ice on the Swan River recently where I walk my dog and muse, Sugar. Luckily she hates water. But if your dog loves it please be alert this time of year as the ice begins to melt. I met a woman yesterday who just lost her dog after it fell through ice on a pond in her back yard when she wasn't watching. Tragic and so sad. There are so many stories like hers so this time of year be vigilant and walk your water loving dogs near lakes, rivers or streams on their leashes only.
Simon, I think the cutest dog I've ever photographed, was rescued in 2006 by fellow photographer Nicole Tavenner. She thought with his sweet mellow disposition he would be a great addition to her household and would hopefully mellow Seymour, a super high energy guy, that she also rescued from the same foster organization. Well of course over the years, and nearing somewhere around 11 or 12 years old, Simon has only gotten sweeter and more deaf, with Seymour continuing his enthusiasm for life by crashing into things including our photo session that was to feature Nicole with Simon and her daughter, Zoe. This session was shot on the incredibly beautiful Swan River Nature Trail right here in Bigfork with the majestic Swan Mountain Range of the northern Rockies in the distance.
And a big birthday shout out to Bronson who is 3 years old today too! Bronson and Sugar met back in October on a magical journey that they will never forget. See the full story here.
Happy 6th Birthday, Sugar! A look back at her first week with me and the ever present camera. A muse, and best friend, in the making. For more Sugar inspiration check out her portfolio.