You can find me here:
7984 MT Hwy 35
Bigfork MT 59911
Hours are by chance and by appointment. Please feel free to call or email to ask questions about my services, pricing and availability. If you see the light on stop on in. But beware of my friendly yet exhuberant muse.
Also please keep in mind that I am working towards building a touring schedule to major US cities in the near future. Let me know if you are interested in having me come to your city to document the relationship between you and your dog. I'd love to meet you ~ and your dog!

wow, so beautiful! Welcome home :)
House, sign, dog and doorknob ALL fa-a-a-a-a-ab ..... !!!
So proud to have you in my neighborhood! You make Bigfork look GOOD! Looking forward to some spontaneous lunches. See ya around neighbor :-)
Your friend, Dicy
Everything is coming together. I am so happy for you. You truly deserve all the good that comes to you. Love, Sam
Congratulations Lauren! Great to have you and Sugas as a part of the community!
Welcome to our little village. I know you will love it as much as we do. Feel free to call if you and Sugar want to hike.
We wish you the best of success and love...
Teresa, Tom (husband), Lucky (border), Petey (brown tri aussie), Clancy (red merle), and Cooper (red merle and baby of the group).
Lauren--your place is sooooo awesome--live the dream!!!
Best of luck in your new digs!
Sara Pavao
Hiya buddy,
Yes, you are here and we are fortunate to have you here and call you friend. Hug Sugar! and go get them... Can I come to Yappy hour if I don't have a dog?
Yay welcome Lauren!! Come to Missoula any time - the one arm driving is not up to that far yet!! But soon - will call you!
Hi Cuz,
What a wonderful home! I love the sign out front. Great photo. Best wishes to you on your move. Seems like it was a good one!
Thank you everyone!
This looks incredible! Congrats!
Best wishes,
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