Monday, February 18, 2013

Why I ❤ Living Here ~ Montana Editorial & Fine Art Photography

Not kidding. One of my favorite reasons for being so happy with living in the Flathead Valley is that I get to shop at Costco while Sugar waits in the car for me and then take her right from the parking lot to this magnificent space to walk, run, chase her ball, and greet others doing the same.  All images taken with my new iPhone 5. (insert Idiocracy joke here)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Naked Judging: The 2012 Canteen Awards in Photography ~ Montana Fine Art Photography

You're invited!

On February 21st at 7pm EST you can watch a live stream of the final judging of a photo contest that I am a finalist in or you can even attend the event live if you are in the NYC area.

Canteen Magazine is holding this contest due to their "general disdain" for photography contests which is also why I entered.  They are attempting to make transparent every aspect of these affairs from the financials to the judging.

There are lots of details available on their website: all the entries are visible as well as all the first-round comments from the judges and comments from the participants.

I am one of the 25 finalists that will be going to the final round.  You can view my entry here.  The first-round of judging produced this commentary on my Hungry Horse series:

"Love the brutality here.  Nature bends to the artist's vision." (#69)

The judges in the finals are an impressive bunch so I am really looking forward to hearing all that they have to say about the chosen works.

Please come to this fun event and if you do have a chance to watch it please get in touch and let me know what you thought and learned from it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dog Tired ~ Montana Dog & Fine Art Photography

Yesterday, after 6 days and 5 nights on the road, Sugar was still in bed sound asleep at 4:30 in the afternoon. For those of you that know her this is a notable freak occurrence. We just got back from a whirlwind trip to Portland and the Oregon coast. Sugar got in a thorough reading of the doggie scratch-and-sniff history book of our destinations and all the towns along the way. More photos of our adventure to follow.

Blue Sky Gallery Viewing Drawers ~ Montana Documentary & Fine Art Photography

I'm really pleased to have been selected by jurors Ed Marquand and Diana Millar for inclusion in Blue Sky Gallery's Pacific Northwest Photography Viewing Drawers in Portland, Oregon.  Ten images from my Hungry Horse series will be available for viewing and purchase for one year beginning in April. Below is my favorite from the series.  View the complete series here.